It's been awhile !
I have not had much time for blogging or for second life as of late. I spent some time TRYING to make a couple other social media profiles for Clarey with zero success ! It's so frustrating how nosy they all are, I do not get why they feel entitled to ANY of my real information. I don't give it out to just any site on the www. I don't want my real life hacked and posted on some unknown web in some other country or my real bank or credit accounts to be compromised. Because of this I may never have any other social identity for Clarey. No FB, no Twitter etc.
I have spent a good bit of time reading other blogs about second life. Some are fashion related, some are old and apparently outdated opinions about second life in real ( used loosely) publications, and watched loads of content on YouTube mostly about making videos and editing photos.
Since I am still kinda new to second life I listen (read) more then I talk (type). It's sorta like eavesdropping LOL ! What makes me LOL the hardest is that there seems to be a TON of *mean girls* and *gossip girls* in second life. I was under the assumption that everyone logged into second life are adults. I may have been wrong. MANY act like pre - teens. And I mean they do NOT care what they say in public (groups) or who they say things about. Maybe I'm too old, I guess if you have nothing nice to say it is the better part of valor to just be quiet.
Second Life has had a fair amount of bad publicity from real publications it seems a popular idea is that it is all about perverted sex and deviants. I had to laugh. The is the www and second life is a chat platform , you have real options. Hit the X in the upper right hand corner or in second life case tp out of a situation you are not liking it. If it it actually illegal behavior Linden Labs gives you ways to report it as well. The whole thing is , the choice is yours to make.
I have spent a good bit of time reading other blogs about second life. Some are fashion related, some are old and apparently outdated opinions about second life in real ( used loosely) publications, and watched loads of content on YouTube mostly about making videos and editing photos.
Since I am still kinda new to second life I listen (read) more then I talk (type). It's sorta like eavesdropping LOL ! What makes me LOL the hardest is that there seems to be a TON of *mean girls* and *gossip girls* in second life. I was under the assumption that everyone logged into second life are adults. I may have been wrong. MANY act like pre - teens. And I mean they do NOT care what they say in public (groups) or who they say things about. Maybe I'm too old, I guess if you have nothing nice to say it is the better part of valor to just be quiet.
Second Life has had a fair amount of bad publicity from real publications it seems a popular idea is that it is all about perverted sex and deviants. I had to laugh. The is the www and second life is a chat platform , you have real options. Hit the X in the upper right hand corner or in second life case tp out of a situation you are not liking it. If it it actually illegal behavior Linden Labs gives you ways to report it as well. The whole thing is , the choice is yours to make.
I think I mentioned before I kinda live at one the Portals and I love to catch unique looking avatars . I'm sharing a few of them here today, I hope you enjoy them ! This is where I do most of my avatar watching.
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